Wednesday 12 September 2012

Reflection on Webquest

                                The assignment we did on the web-quest was rather an interesting assignment. It took everyone in the group to do something for the entire assignment to be presented. It was definitely not as easy task. Once we had narrowed down on a particular topic, we started to discuss about the tasks we wanted the children to embark in. Once we had that in mind, we started searching for websites that would be appropriate for the tasks. One of our team mate suggested making it like a story line where a super hero speaks to the children. This was an interesting concept. To do this, we had to find pictures to represent the characters. I felt that the assignment was fun to do but it was not easy as we had to make sure the characters, words and websites given to the children had to be age appropriate and the tasks given to the children should allow the child to be able to work independently.

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